Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Make Money From Home And Fail, Guaranteed!

Let me attempt to read your mind. You want the freedom to sit at your computer, in your underwear, and make money from home so you don’t have to answer to a boss. Or maybe you want to make money from home so you can spend more time with your family, or travel to exotic destinations around the world. Then again, maybe you just want to make money from home so you can relax with your laptop on a beach in the Caribbean.

Well, sorry folks, most of you aren’t going to be able to achieve your make money from home dreams.

99% of you are currently unable to fulfill your make money from home dreams. I am going to tell you why, and offer you a guaranteed plan for failure.

The intelligent ones among you will heed my advice and never implement my guaranteed plan for make money from home business plan failure. Some of you have already implemented it and may not realize it yet.

If you believe that what I have said up until this point may possibly apply to you, then raise your hand. If you believe that making lots and lots of money from home could likely not be possible for you, raise your hand. If you think that it is indeed possible that you could fail at your make money from home business ideas, then raise your hand.

Those of you that have your hand raised are part of the 99% that are currently unable to fulfill your make money from home dreams become a reality.

The difference between you and me, between you and all those achieving their dreams and making money from home (lots of money), is a simple matter of perspective. We don’t believe in failure. It doesn’t exist in our vocabulary. We have no idea what you are even talking about!

So here is your plan for guaranteed make money from home failure: believe you can fail.

That’s really all there is to it. If you think that you can fail, you will.

Alternatively if you don’t want to fail, and think that you will succeed and make money from home, you will. Not only do you not want to fail, you can’t fail, because failure does not exist.

Success is a mindset. Making money from home is a choice, just like success and failure.

Make the right choice.

Jack Lowry is an online home business entrepreneur who recently developed a free 5-step course on learning how to start your own internet home business. If you are interested in learning more about his free 'Learn To Generate Cash From The Internet' course, please visit his website for more about how to make money from home.

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